Η Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Ποίησης εορτάζεται κάθε χρόνο στις 21 Μαρτίου. Η αρχική έμπνευσή της ανήκει στον έλληνα ποιητή Μιχαήλ Μήτρα, ο οποίος το φθινόπωρο του 1997 πρότεινε στην Εταιρεία Συγγραφέων να υιοθετηθεί ο εορτασμός της ποίησης στην Ελλάδα, όπως και σε άλλες χώρες, και να οριστεί συγκεκριμένη μέρα γι' αυτό. Τον Οκτώβριο του 1999, στη Γενική Διάσκεψη της UNESCO στο Παρίσι, η 21η Μαρτίου ανακηρύχθηκε Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Ποίησης.
Μια και γιορτάζουμε την Ostara αυτή την περίοδο, σας δημοσιεύω στην αγγλική ποιήματα που έχουν γραφτεί προς τιμή της.
Ostara by Ember Cooke
The year yearns listlessly for light
Now warmth returns, relieving night
Ostara brings Her fertile fair
The precious egg, the wild hare
To start again the song of spring
And to our hearts fair blessings bring.
Old Winter now retires to rest
The passion of His storms attest
The floods that fuel fresh buds renew
To Winter's effort, Spring gives due
So now He slumbers, satisfied
With what His watchful works provide.
For Eostre by Galina Krasskova
We hail the Goddess of spring,
of vibrancy, of stirring bounty,
of the waking earth,
that readies itself for the seed.
We hail the Goddess of sunshine,
and cycles, and changes,
and all good and terrifying things.
We pray for fertility in our works,
of minds, and hearts, and hands.
We pray for blessings,
and the gift
of hope’s manifestation.
We hail the Goddess of spring,
as Her bounty covers the land.
Eostre, be Thou praised.
Ostara Rising by Suki Moyne
She comes like a breath of fresh air
And you cannot help but fill your lungs.
She comes like the shoot rising upward
And you cannot help but lift your eyes to the sky.
She comes like the flower bursting forth
And you cannot help but laugh in delight.
She comes like the urge to dance
And you cannot help but spread your arms wide.
She comes like the first warm rains
And you cannot help but cry tears of joy.
She comes like the scent of all beginnings
And you cannot help but open your heart.
Hail Eostara! by Otto Baumann
Hail Ostara!
Hail to you, great bringer of spring,
and herald of the radiant dawn
Hail to you, manifest in the returning birds,
In the melting of snows, and the stirrings of new life
Bathe us in your warmth, and chase away the cold
Hail to You, who takes the long sleep of death,
and wrings out new life
You who cracks the blackness of night,
With the golden promise of rebirth and renewal
Hail to you Eostara,
through whom we realize that most sacred of hopes
For every death, and for every ending,
A new life, and a new beginning
Worlds without End
Hail Eostara!
Hail Ostara by Diana Paxson
Hail Ostara, eastward arising,
Laughing goddess, Lady of Light--
To dawn, dominion over darkness
Thy glory has granted, gone is the night!
Winter's wrath by winds of warmth
The maiden's might has melted here;
Everywhere green plants are growing,
Flowers flourish, she-beasts bear;
Let Thy light's illumination
Banish sorrow, blessings bring,
Grant success, and a good season
To those who seek thee here this spring!
You Are Ostara by Diana Paxson
You are the sunlight on the leaves,
You are the music of the stream,
You are the scent upon the wind,
You are the dreamer and the dream.
You transform sorrow into joy,
You transform darkness into day,
You transform winter into warmth,
And death's dominion fades away.
You are consistency in change,
You are the patterning of chance.
You are never twice the same,
You are the dancer and the dance.
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